STAGES Auditions

All auditions at STAGES are non-paying roles and are open to students through grade 12.

About Our Auditions

acting auditions

Audition will consist of cold reading from the script after a little rehearsal time. Monologues are encouraged, but not required.

dance auditions

Be prepared to move, demonstrate flexibility, learn and perform a short dance combination.

What to expect

Rehearsals for plays are usually Mondays through Thursday with performances on weekends, Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday matinees.

Many STAGES productions are performed at local schools and other venues.

You may be required to miss several days of school in order to partake in these performances.

vocal auditions

Please prepare to sing approximately 16-bars from a musical comedy that best represents your vocal range and personality. Bring sheet music in your key, a backing track or you may also choose to sing a cappella.

What to bring

Resume and head-shots are encouraged, but not required.

More auditions coming. Check back soon.

Upcoming auditions

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