Disney’s High School Musical on Stage! focuses on a high school jock, Troy, and a nerd, Gabriella, who, while on their family vacations, discover they both love singing. They decide to try out for the high school musical but their friends try to stop them. The show focuses on issues of popularity, first love, balancing education with extracurricular activities, and the value of friends and family.
Directed by: Luis Ventura
Character | Played by |
Troy Bolton | Max Nevers |
Gabriella Montez | Emily Niebergall |
Gabriella Montez | Kaelynn Touchstone |
Taylor McKessie | Julianne Robinson |
Taylor McKessie | Aniya Heuss |
Marcha Cox, Dance Captain, Sharpay | Maya Erickson |
Chad Danforth | Caleb Kinder |
Zeke Baylor | Mitchell Robinson |
Sharpay Evans | Hallie Bartell |
Ryan Evans | David VanDyke |
Kelsi, Jacky Scott | Sarah Felder |
Kelsi, Jacky Scott | Alyssa Kittle |
Ensemble, Jacky, Kelsi | Lavender Wyatt |
Ms. Darbus | Marlena Starrs |
Ripper, Ensemble, Mrs. Darbus | Libby Solheim |
Ensemble, Martha Cox | Dahlia Wyatt |
Ensemble | Peter Roman, Katie Rice, Rylie Bartell, Mia Tagnoli, Zachary Inman |