One of the darkest musicals ever written, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street is the unsettling tale of a Victorian-era barber who returns home to London after fifteen years of exile to take revenge on the corrupt judge who ruined his life. When revenge eludes him, Sweeney swears vengeance on the entire human race, murdering as many people as he can, while his business associate Mrs. Lovett bakes the bodies into meat pies and sells them to the unsuspecting public.
Directed by: Derek Brown
Assistant Director: Lori Dickinson
Technical Director: Brian Ollom
Musical Director: Derek Brown
Choreographer: Tim WIlkins
Costumes: Kira Smolev, Victoria White
Lighting and Sound: Ethan Hehn
Stage Manager: Lori Dickinson
Character | Played by |
Sweeney Todd | Bo Brown |
Mrs. Lovett | Dice Meek |
Anthony | yuyoun Choi |
Joanna | Sarah Baglin |
Judge Turpin | Diego R.D. Sanchez |
The Beadle | Julian Taylor |
Pirelli | Spencer Jennings |
Tobias | Logan Pounder |
Lucy/Beggar Woman | Chayse Brown |
Ensemble | Ada Walsh, Austin Connors, Emma Taylor, Evangeline Grace, Greyson Parnell, Haley Geffre, Isabelle Hui, Jordyn Pounders, Leyla Koral, Lilli Ferretti, Lily Thomas, Natalie Segerlind, Olivia Socherman, Summer Westerfield |